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Anatomical sample plastinates

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Anatomical plastination sample specimen showing tissue and inner organ details. Sample plastinates presents the advantages of plastinates compared to conventional anatomical preparation techniques like fresh specimens, formalin fixated wet specimens, alcohol preserved wet specimens, etc. Finest details are visible including mesoscopic and in some cases even histological insights. Examine how bone tissue, brain matter, connective and other tissue types including muscles, joints, nerves, blood vessels, etc. can be examined “hands-on” in its topographic context (visible tissue types vary – please check the images of the available offer specimens).

Please choose your plastination specimen from the available options.

Acrylic stands, rulers, etc. which might be visible in the images are not included in the offer.

Please note that the sample plastinates shall not replace regular exhibition, research and teaching plastinates.

Sample plastinate offers may include prototypes, research outlet plastinates and B-quality plastinates including used specimens with scratches and yellowing of conventional epoxy plastination polymer. The specimens provide a clear concept of what plastinates look and feel like. Anatomical structures can be examined and the appearance of different tissue types can be compared in different plastination techiques.

For detailed Information about plastination I recommend the AHE Special Issue about Plastination: Wiley Blackwell “Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia Volume 48, Issue 6, Special Issue: Plastination. Edited by Dr. Christoph von Horst Online ISSN:1439-0264, HC Biovision website or contact me directly.

The sample plastinate is as an invitation to plastination and shall provide authentic anatomical insights for students of veterinary medicine, biology, medical students and other health sciences. Collectors of wet specimens, curiosities and odditites can also benefit from our sample offers.

Each plastinate comes with a DIN A5 size certificate as shown below.

<a class=”MagicZoom” href=””><img title=”Plastination certificate” src=”” alt=”Certificate of authenticity and legal compliance” /></a>