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Horse foot anatomy specimen


Out of stock


“Sample-Trial-Test” Outlet Offer without detailed description. Please check the images for anatomical structures and details.

Make a judgement for yourself:

  • Is this outlet plastinate okay for me?
  • Do I see the structures, which I am interested in?
  • Is this the right preparation quality and plastination technique for my purposes (exhibition, teaching, curiosities collection, etc.)?
  • If in doubt, rather go for regular or contact me for custom made specimens or other Samples and Trial Specimens.

    Acrylic stands and rulers which might be visible in the images are not included.

    For detailed information about the applied plastination techniques I recommend the AHE special issue about plastination (see image below) or visit

    Trial offers:

    • First access to new techniques and outlet specimens.
    • No specific item description. You get what you see! This demands some level of expertise with different plastination techniques and a close look at the offer images. If in doubt, rather go for regular offers or contact me for custom made specimens.
    • Plastinates will come with a small signature “vHorst” or “Dr. v. Horst”, unless you see labels or engravings already present in the images.
    • Each order comes with a certificate as shown below.

    Plastination certificate

    Special Issue about Plastination